- AB 2328 (Cristina Garcia)
Summary: This bill is similar to AB 365 from last year which was vetoed by the governor. The ACSED Board approved a support position on AB 2328. It proposed to take several important steps to improve hiring of persons with disabilities, including: requiring CalHR to expand the LEAP program to all statewide classifications; , clarifying that a department may request a “LEAP-only” referral list; requiring CalHR to establish guidelines for provision of reasonable accommodation to applicants and employees with disabilities and to promulgate a state-wide model reasonable accommodation policy.
Status: In Assembly Public Employment and Retirement (dead)
Position: Support
- ACA 5, as amended, Weber. Government preferences
Summary: The California Constitution, pursuant to provisions enacted by the initiative Proposition 209 in 1996, prohibits the state from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. The California Constitution defines the state for these purposes to include the state, any city, county, public university system, community college district, school district, special district, or any other political subdivision or governmental instrumentality of, or within, the state.
This bill placed a measure on the November general election ballot (Proposition 16) which proposed to repeal these provisions.
Status: Chaptered and filed with Secretary of State
Position: Support
- AB 2269, as introduced, Chau. automated decision systems
Summary: This bill proposed to enact the Automated Decision Systems Accountability Act of 2020. The bill would have required a business in California that provides a person with a program or device that uses an automated decision system (ADS) to take affirmative steps to ensure that there are processes in place to continually test for biases during the development and usage of the ADS, conduct an ADS impact assessment on its program or device to determine whether the ADS has a disproportionate adverse impact on a protected class, as specified, examine if the ADS in question serves reasonable objectives and furthers a legitimate interest, and compare the ADS to alternatives or reasonable modifications that may be taken to limit adverse consequences on protected classes. Businesses would be required to submit a report to the Department of Business Oversight summarizing the results of its ADS impact assessment for each program or device that uses an ADS. The bill would also have required the department to establish an Automated Decision Systems Advisory Task Force, composed of various representatives from the public and private sectors.
Status: In Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection (dead)
Position: None
- AB 2654, as introduced, Cervantes. Emergency services
Summary: Existing law required, on or before July 31, 2015, the Office of Emergency Services to update the State Emergency Plan to include proposed best practices for local governments and nongovernmental entities to use to mobilize and evacuate people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs during an emergency or natural disaster. Each county is required to address the access and functional needs in its emergency plan and to include representatives from affected populations in the plan development process. This bill would have imposed these same requirements on the 10 largest cities in the state.
Status: In Assembly Governmental Organizations (dead)
Position: Support
- ACR 125, as amended, Jones-Sawyer. Reduction of bias in hiring through new technology
Summary: This measure urged policymakers in both federal and state government to explore ways to promote the development and use of new technologies to reduce bias and discrimination in hiring and help reduce discrimination in employment in California.
Status: In Senate Judiciary (dead)
Position: Support
- SB 862, Dodd. Planned power outage
Summary: This bill would have required an electrical corporation, as a part of its public safety mitigation protocols, to include protocols that deal specifically with individuals who have access and functional needs, including those individuals who are enrolled in the California Alternative Rates for Energy program.
Electrical corporations would have been required to coordinate with local governments to identify sites where community resource centers can be established and operated during a deenergization event and the level of services that will be available at those centers.
Existing law authorizes an electrical corporation to deploy backup electrical resources or provide financial assistance for backup electrical resources to a customer receiving a medical baseline allowance who meets specified requirements, including that the customer is not eligible for backup electrical resources provided through insurance or various government programs.
This bill would have deleted the requirement that the customer not be eligible for backup electrical resources from other providers.
Status: In Assembly Utilities and Energy (dead)
Position: Support
- SB 1264, Senate Committee on Human Services.
- The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) initially sponsored this bill which was passed by both houses of the Legislature and signed by the Governor.
Clarifying the process for a person with a disability who is interested in having an authorized representative appointed. Authorized representatives assist with expressing desires of the people they represent and in making decisions and advocating for their needs, preferences, and choices. Extending for one more year the authorization for the special LEAP Internship Program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities which was scheduled to “sunset” at the end of 2020. This extension ensures that the option for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to complete an internship instead of taking a traditional exam does not expire while the work of the Governor’s Taskforce on Diversity goes forward this year. Requiring licensed residential facilities and adult day programs to adopt emergency and disaster preparedness plans. Clarifies the ability of regional center clients to use the option of participant-directed services, including during a declared state of emergency in California, and until six months after the state of emergency is lifted.