With very little notice, TCAC released 64 pages of proposed changes to their program. The accessibility changes can be found at Section 10325(f)(7)(K) on pages 41-43 and Section 10325(g)(2)(B) on pages 44-46 in the document here: https://www.treasurer.ca.gov/ctcac/programreg/2020/20201029/proposed-changes-with-reasons.pdf.
The Committee needs to hear from you and the communities you serve about how affordable housing with accessible features is important to you. There are three chances for the public to do this.
- Call in on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 10am to share your stories with TCAC staff and tell them to save accessible affordable housing. You can join by Zoom or phone. If you try Zoom but get a message that the meeting is full, please call in by phone. Staff will summarize proposed changes and then open the line for public comments.
- Zoom: Login to Zoom and enter Meeting ID: 826 5476 2444 and Passcode: 236894
- Phone: Call (888) 557-8511 and enter Participant Code: 5651115
- We have attached a list of talking points to guide you. The most important thing is that you share how accessible affordable housing is important to you or people you know.
- If you need reasonable accommodations for the meeting, please contact judith.blackwelll@treasurer.ca.gov and anthony.zeto@treasurer.ca.gov or call (916) 654-6340. See sample request attached. Please copy us on these requests.
- Find more information on the hearing and the regulations here: https://www.treasurer.ca.gov/ctcac/programreg/2020/20201010/notice-of-public-hearing.pdf
- Send Written Comments by Friday, November 20, 2020 by 5pm to judith.blackwelll@treasurer.ca.gov and anthony.zeto@treasurer.ca.gov.
- We have attached a sample letter. Feel free to fill it in or create your own letter. Please copy Dara and Natasha on your email. Dara.Schur@disabilityrightsca.org and Natasha.Reyes@disabilityrightsca.org,
- Disability Rights California is also drafting detailed comments. We will send out a copy before November 20 for people to review and add their name to.
- Call in Again at the Commission Meeting December 2020 time to be determined. The Commission will meet in December to vote on proposed changes. There is not a date or time yet, but we will send out that information as soon as we know it.
Here are some examples: Talking Points, Sample Reasonable Accommodation Request and Sample Comment Letter. We have also attached some Additional Resources shared by stakeholders on a conference call.
Thank you for your support. Please contact Dara Schur and Natasha Reyes at Disability Rights California with any questions (Dara.Schur@disabilityrightsca.org and Natasha.Reyes@disabilityrightsca.org).