ACSED is extremely proud and honored to have received this year’s President’s award from the Asian Pacific State Employees Association (APSEA). The award was presented on May 12th by APSEA President Stephenson Loveson at the APSEA Foundation’s annual Scholarship and awards reception.

President Scott Richmond and Vice President Riana Hardin gratefully accepted the award on behalf of ACSED. ACSED was recognized for its long history of advocating for equal employment opportunities in state employment for people with disabilities, as well as other protected groups. ACSED was further recognized for its ongoing partnerships and collaborations with other organizations like APSEA.

In his acceptance speech, Scott stated ACSED was deeply honored and humbled by the award. He concluded by saying he hoped both organizations would continue their close collaboration on projects and activities of mutule interest and benefit for many years to come.

ACSED Receives 2022 APSEA President’s Award
ACSED Receives 2022 APSEA President’s Award
Asian Pacific State Employees Association President's Award